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Getting rid of Bed bugs
Dealing with Bed bugs Practical Solutions:
As a whole, bed bugs are on the rise, the vermin of many beds and mattresses the cause of widespread irritation and nuisance to many. Bed bugs are increasingly becoming a terrible problem that terrorizes many home owners, hotels, dorm rooms and other communal dwellings.
Here listed you will be find our top ten tips of how to effectively deal with the menace that is of bed bugs.
Make sure that you really have bed bugs, not fleas or ticks or other insects. Many people will mistake bed bugs for another insect and will inadvertently cause themselves a lot considerable distress and unnecessary alarm.
- 1. First check possible hiding places: A common misconception is that people believe bed bugs to be only found in beds and mattresses. Make sure that you check all areas of the bed including the bed frame, headboards and any cracks in the bed. Also check your curtains, furniture, doors, walls and any appliances or areas of a room where there is a lot of clutter.
- 2. Pesticides: There are on the market more and more pesticides available that are more targeted and less harmful to the environment. It is best to consult with a pest control specialist to determine the best way to get rid of bed bugs first though.
- 3. Vacuum you room each day: Keeping your clean by vacumming will not only remove bed bugs but will also remove the dirt that offers them shelter. Vacuum each area of the room thoroughly to ensure that you remove any place for bed bugs to hide. When you are done make sure to empty the vacuum. To make sure you have killed of any remaining bed bugs you should place your vacuum bag in the freezer for at least 24 hours before disposing of it.
- 4. Suspicious odours: When a room is infested with bed bugs the room may have a pungent, sickly odour.
- 5. Move the bed: As bed bugs can only crawl, they are very limited in their reach. It is advisable to move the bed away from walls and make sure that nothing touches the floor.
- 6. Cover up pipes: Bed bugs travel along routes created by pipe or electrical circuits, so it is important to seal up any opening where pipes or wires enter you home to prevent bed bugs getting into your household.
- 7. Wash your bed linen: Bed bugs are sensitive to extreme temperatures. If you suspect that you have bed bugs you should throw all your linen into the wash in the hottest temperature possible. This includes all linens, pillows, pillowcases, bed skirts and blankets etc.
- 8. Inspect new furniture: Even if it new furniture it is always important to thoroughly inspect it before bringing it inside. As although the furniture may have been bedbug free the van that brought it to your household may have been ridden with bed bugs.
- 9. Seal up any holes or cracks: Inspect every aspect of your home and block up any crevices that you may find, no matter how small. Do not give bed bugs the opportunity to find nesting grounds make sure to seal up everything that you find.
- 10. Moving about: Even the best hotels around the world have fallen victim to bed bugs and have become potential breeding grounds. When you are travelling check your room for signs of bed bugs such as blood stains on the pillows or linens or any visible signs.
Overall, it is difficult to get rid of bedbugs and your best bet is to hire a pest control specialist in order to effectively remove the vermin from your household. The best advice though to remember is to inspect, clean and use extreme temperatures to remove and kill this menacing insect.
All you need to do is contact 365 Pest Control Services and leave the rest in the experienced hands of 365 Pest Control group.