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Getting rid of wasps
Wasps on the Rise
In July this year, the number of call outs to remove wasp nests more than trebled compared to 2009. The increase has been blamed on the warm weather and also many household nest going untreated. This is due to many people cutting back on the spending of pest removal. Overall, last year as people cut back on their spending during the recession. As a result there could be even more wasps around in the following summer if wasp nests remain untreated.
Of all the insects that sting, wasps are perhaps the most dangerous. A wasp can repeatedly sting its victim because its stinger is not barbed like that of a bee. One or two wasps flying around the household may not be very dangerous but when you find a large number of wasps flying around then you can sure that there is a wasp nest nearby. You can find wasp nests in many locations around the household and even sometimes inside the house.
The venom that a wasp produces can be dangerous to those who are allergic to its sting. It is recommended that if you happen to notice a large number of wasps around your home then you should take step to get rid of wasps and their nests before they become a real problem.
The Pest control firm Rentokil announced that it saw a 231% increase in residential wasp calls in July.
In the loft of one pub located in Southampton there was reported a wasp nest that measured up to 6ft by 5ft and contained over half a million wasps in the nest.
Experts believe that wasp number will rise again towards the latter part of the summer and will then start to become a nuisance to people in the Autumn months. By the end of the summer most of the larvae will have gone and so thus wasps will need to find alternative sources of energy to supplement the eating habits.
During the winter months all wasps die out due to the cold weather, except for the queen that goes into hibernation. In the spring time, when the weather starts to pick up you can find the queen wasps searching for the next nest location. If you can spot and eliminate a queen wasp early on this will greatly reduce your chances of having any wasp infestations.
Many experts have told the public that they should NOT try to remove wasp nest themselves. As with any pest, precautions and anticipation is a good way to make sure that you will not have a wasp infestation looming.
Getting rid of wasps is not an easy task to carry out. It is always better to get professional help and assistance to do this task. If you are planning to venture out and destroy a wasp nest on your own, then it is advisable then make sure you have somebody with you to help you out. Make sure to wear appropriate clothes before starting to remove a wasp nest.
All you need to do is contact 365 Pest Control Services and leave the rest in the experienced hands of 365 Pest Control group.