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Avoiding Bedbugs
Top Ten Tips on how to avoid Bedbugs :
The main thing people need to understand about bedbugs are that they are blood sucking parasites that have been around for thousands of years. You will always find bedbugs near places where people spend the night. The resurgence of bedbugs mainly stems from the combination of increased international travel that we see around the globe along with the growing resistance that particular strains of bedbugs have to certain chemicals and insecticides.
Here listed are a selection of top tips and advice to reduce the chances of getting a bedbug infestation.
- 1. Make sure that it is bedbugs that you are dealing with as opposed to another inspect or parasite. Identify the common signs before jumping to conclusions.
- 2. When sleeping in a new bed it is advisable to check for signs of their faeces: these can be detected as small, black or brown dots on the sheets or on the mattresses. If you are staying in a hotel and you find potential bedbug faecal matter you should ask for a new room far away from the original.
- 3. If you suspect that you have been exposed to bedbugs it is important that you clean out everything that you have with you. Vacuum out your suitcase and wash all you clothes in hot water if possible, whether they are dirty or not.
- 4. It is recommended that you regular inspect places where pets sleep for signs of bedbug infestations.
- 5. In areas of heavy infestations of bed bugs you may be able to detect a strong odour arising from the bedbugs.
- 6. While bed bugs mostly hide away during the day, you may be able to spot bedbugs at night using a light. Baby bed bugs are nearly invisible to the human eye, however the larger bed bugs can be easily seen.
- 7. If you are unable to detect bed bugs but you are sure that they are present in the room you can use a bedbug sniffing dog such as a trained beagle to help sniff out and track down the infestation.
- 8. It is recommended that you do not put infested furniture or sheets in communal areas as this will cause the infestation to spread to other homes. You should place everything that you believe to be infested in a contained area that can be cleaned, treated and if so disposed of.
- 9. One of the best ways to avoid having bed bugs is to avoid having excessive clutter. The most vulnerable people for bedbugs infestations are people who have a lot of clutter around their room as this gives bed bugs more breathing room to expand.
- 10. If you suspect that there are bed bugs in your home, it is not recommend to directly use the first pesticide that you find. Many pesticides are ineffective in dealing with bedbugs and their eggs. Professional treatments and steam heat can kill eggs and it recommended that you consult a professional pest control expert first.
All you need to do is contact 365 Pest Control Services and leave the rest in the experienced hands of 365 Pest Control group.